Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My one heptic day!!

Evening guys~ ^__^ I've been ignoring this blog lately right...hehee~~ But, that what am always do...Post anytime/anywhere I want..XXDDDD Did u having a nice day??!! Whatever situations you're having right now let just ignore it for a while and smile...^^___^^

Let all smile, or this baby will kill us~ :DD

What am tryin to post is that today, 4th of July 2012 Wednesday, am having a really heptic/exhausted/undescribeable day...I don't know what else to say right now.../sighs~ sighs~/ Still tired and even laying down right now...;>

What am I doing you say!! /gggrrrrrrrrr~~/ *my hidden evil is out* hahahaaaaa~~ Just kiddin..:)) What exactly happened is that am woke up really really really early just to go see Miss Shakirah at 8 am...Then am have lab class at 9-11 am and another 2 hours of lab class, 11-1 pm..At that time, I feel like crying already..So many hours..huwaaa~~ :"((

But then, another challenge was given to me which that Sir gave us lab assignment and need to pass to him at 2pm...=___=""" Only Allah knows how I felt at that time, but am managed to finished it and forced to sit in the lab for 6 hours straight!!!~ 6 HOURS!!!!! Woooaaahhhh~~ Am don't know how I can survive that in COIT LAB 'The world of ice'..XDDD

That's not the end of it, later I have Malaysian Studies class which 3 hours lecture...But thank god, the lecture is only 2 hours even when at times I felt like sleeping...*yawn~* Wait, the torture is not end yet since am have my midterm exam for System Admin today....and the worst part is that am not preparing it well since am not understand certain-certain parts of the notes/topics...>;(( Now, just praying that I can get higher marks or above half of the full marks...Amin~ ^^

THIS ONE IS REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY ANNOYED ME TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why la tonight wanna do the fire drill thingy...I x faham langsung la...I just wanna sleep already la.........aaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhh~~

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